Stevie Wonder to pay alimony after divorce

Anyone in Maryland who has gone through a divorce knows that there can be some tricky issues to resolve. Oftentimes, one difficult issue is the determination of spousal support, also commonly known as alimony. In several divorce cases, the respective parties can’t come to an agreement as to what amount the monthly payments should be, or how long the alimony payments should last. In such situations, the litigation can become contentious.
World-famous singer Stevie Wonder recently filed for divorce, and according to reports, it appears that he is prepared for the additional expenses he will need to budget for in the future as a result of these proceedings. In his divorce filings, Wonder agreed to pay both spousal maintenance and child support to his soon-to-be ex-wife, although the amounts may yet have to be determined.
Although there can be many factors to consider in determining an alimony order, one of the most important aspects of the determination is to start with accurate figures. This takes the cooperation of all parties, and it appears that Wonder is willing to be cooperative since he agreed upfront to provide the financial support.
Wonder and his wife married in 2001, but Wonder stated in his divorce filing that the couple has been separated since 2009. They have two young boys together, and Wonder has requested joint custody of the children.
Hopefully, this celebrity divorce becomes another good example of how a couple that is facing a split is able to work agreeably toward a final resolution. Divorce does not need to be painful and drawn out. Often, experienced legal counsel can aid a splitting couple in reaching a final settlement.
Source: Yahoo! News, “Singer Stevie Wonder files for divorce,” Piya Sinha-Roy, Aug. 3, 2012