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Maryland residents should expect financial change after a divorce

When a person begins to contemplate the possibility of filing for divorce it can be a sad - and often scary - time in life. Coming to the realization that the bonded relationship a person was so happy to enter…

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The family home as part of the marital property

Many of our married Maryland readers may know that property obtained during the marriage is known as "marital property." This property could include bank accounts, artwork, or even retirement accounts. For many couples, the assets they obtain together are meant…

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What preliminary steps should you take prior to a divorce filing?

Each year thousands of Maryland residents make the decision to end their marriages. Although the now familiar term of "irreconcilable differences" can be the official reason that leads a couple to divorce, the reality is that there are innumerable reasons…

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Same-sex marriage is legal in Maryland – what now?

There is a battle raging in America today. No, there isn't a foreign invader or an insurgent rebel force. The battle is an ideological and cultural fight. On one side there are proponents of same-sex marriage, arguing for equal treatment…

Continue reading Same-sex marriage is legal in Maryland – what now?

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Billions potentially at stake in couple’s asset division

Many of our Maryland readers are probably familiar with the annual listing by Forbes of the richest people in our country. There is usually an overall list of the richest people, as well as breakout lists by category, such as…

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