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Would your child support dispute change with reformed laws?

State and federal legislators are usually doing their best to keep laws up-to-date and in line with the most recent evidence of effectiveness. Family law has traditionally been within the realm of state law, with the legislators in each state…

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Asset division could be a major factor in Murdoch divorce

From time to time the divorce of a high-profile couple will consume the news media, for a variety of reasons. When Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorced, much of the news coverage was focused on what would happen with the…

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Do you think of insurance when you think of assets?

When our Maryland readers think about complex property division, they probably envision huge amounts of marital property that is subject to a split, along with numerous bank accounts, the complex valuation of artwork, or vicious fights over assets that have sentimental…

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How do you protect your bank account balance in a divorce?

Arriving at the decision to file for divorce can be the toughest part of the process for many people throughout the country. The decision itself can be such a major turning point in life that oftentimes a great deal of…

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