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In some cases, alimony amount not set in stone

When Maryland couples divorce, one party may be forced to pay the other spousal support. In most cases, this alimony is paid until either party dies or until the receiver remarries. But what happens if the payer becomes unemployed or experiences a…

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Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

Asset division tricky when one spouse wants to buy a new home

Maryland couples who are in the process of splitting up will find property division to be quite complicated - especially when the marital home is involved, which it almost always is. This is especially true if the couple is still…

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Child custody matters grow frightening when parents abduct kids

When their parents go through a divorce, Rockville kids are sometimes caught in the middle of two emotionally charged factions. While they may prefer to stay with one parent or in one household, the kids are often forced to split…

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Property division more complex in subsequent divorces

When Maryland couples marry early on in life, say, in their 20s, they typically do not have much in terms of assets. They might be fresh out of college and just starting a career. However, when people divorce and get…

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Related Posts: Who keeps the engagement ring in a property division dispute?, Dealing with asset division, other issues through limited divorce, Who should determine asset division – my ex and I or the court?, Property division: What will happen to my business in a divorce?, Guidelines for property division in a Maryland divorce,

When child support modification may be needed

Raising a child can be costly for many Maryland parents. It is often financially impossible for one parent to care for a child alone, which is why states go to great lengths to ensure that non-custodial parents are fulfilling their child…

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