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When women have to focus on career after divorce, part 2

A couple of our recent posts have discussed alimony and how the form of financial support is rarely permanent. Often (but certainly not always) women are the parties who might have sacrificed their career during a marriage. Therefore, they are…

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Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

Studies seek to determine why couples divorce

When it comes to marriages, no two are alike. What works for one couple could spell the end for another. Because divorce in the United States are more common now than they were half a century ago it is not…

Continue reading Studies seek to determine why couples divorce

Related Posts: Infidelity can greatly impact your divorce, Abandonment makes divorce harder, Prepare yourself for the complexities of a divorce, Your social media posts could tank your divorce case, Logical thinking can benefit you in a divorce,

When women have to focus on career after divorce, part 1

In a previous post we discussed spousal support and how Maryland courts rarely assign permanent payments of alimony. We shared how that means for many of the lesser-earners in a divorce that they will have to find work and focus seriously…

Continue reading When women have to focus on career after divorce, part 1

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

Presence of father deemed important for children’s wellbeing

While there are potentially many issues that are important when a couple decides to split when children are involved, in most cases, custody and visitation between the mother and father are some of the most important. Currently, in the state…

Continue reading Presence of father deemed important for children’s wellbeing

Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

For lesser-earner, divorce might mean need for job, education

The process of divorce comes with countless reasons for parties to be anxious. Many worry that they are not making the right decision. They might worry that the divorce will hurt the children. They might worry about what others will…

Continue reading For lesser-earner, divorce might mean need for job, education

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

School’s in session, and so is the divorce season

Anyone who has kids or is consistently on social media knows it: the school year is beginning. Parents are packing their kids' school bags and lunches. We are all seeing the Facebook pictures of kids' first days of school. This…

Continue reading School’s in session, and so is the divorce season

Related Posts: Infidelity can greatly impact your divorce, Abandonment makes divorce harder, Prepare yourself for the complexities of a divorce, Your social media posts could tank your divorce case, Logical thinking can benefit you in a divorce,
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