Considering filing for divorce this month? You’re not alone.
A lot of people file for divorce in January. Because no two marriages are alike, the reasons for this will vary widely. Whatever the catalyst for the split, if you’ve been thinking about divorce for a while, but weren’t sure when the right time would come, you won’t be alone if you choose the month of January.
Why Do People Wait?
While enjoyable for many, for others the holidays are stressful. This stress can further damage already strained marriages. Couples in this position might try to use the holidays as a time to try to save the relationship. In other cases it is possible that a couple that has children doesn’t want to upset the family dynamic during the holidays or make it difficult on the children during what’s supposed to be a happy time.
How To Prepare For A Divorce
When you go to see an attorney about filing for divorce, be sure you know where you and your spouse stand financially. Going through things while putting away the holiday decorations and cleaning the house can be a great time to collect any important papers you may need. If you suspect that your spouse has assets they are hiding, or that they’re engaged in activities that could become a problem in court, you’ll want to take any evidence of that with you and make your attorney aware of it. Not all divorces will have these kinds of issues, but some will, and you want to be as prepared as possible.
If you are considering a divorce the sooner you speak with a lawyer, the better. Planning ahead can ensure that you have the information you need to make the process easier.