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Shore up your finances during a divorce

Divorce is a hard journey for anyone. Even if you want to bid adieu to your marriage, you will still face some challenges as you embark on your new single life. One of the areas in which you are going to feel some pressure is your finances. Trying to shore up your financial state must be done as soon as you find out that the divorce is really happening.

One thing that you don’t need to do is to rush through the divorce so that you can have it over with. Rushing through this process, especially the property division component, can lead to serious errors that can impact your finances in the future.

Keep the matter private

Don’t speak too much about your divorce. Keeping it private helps you to focus on what is best for you without having to sort through what others think you should do. Some well-meaning friends and family members might try to pressure you into certain decisions, but you can only do what is best for you.

Rely on your divorce team

Take the advice of your Gaithersburg divorce team because they have the intimate knowledge of your case. You should never base your own decisions on what happened during the divorce of a friend or family member.

Establish your own accounts

You will need your own financial accounts so you can stand on your own. This includes getting bank accounts, investment accounts and credit accounts in your name only. Be sure to close joint accounts so that you won’t be on the hook for any transactions your ex does.

Set your budget

You need to know where your money will go and come from. Set up your budget as early in the divorce as you can because you can use this information to determine what assets you are able to afford. This also helps you to be more financially savvy as you move forward with your life.

Double check insurance and beneficiary designations

You might not think that your life insurance will have a big impact on your life, but it provides a way to care for your family if you pass away. If you already have a policy, your ex is likely the beneficiary. You might not want it like this any longer, so be sure that you check the beneficiary designation to ensure it reflects your current wishes.

Ultimately, it is up to you to set up your finances in the manner you desire. Be sure to think carefully about how all decisions will impact your future.

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