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On record-keeping and alimony

Alimony is an incredibly important part of family law. It helps people who made certain sacrifices during marriage, or require a certain financial footing to live their life, to move on after a divorce. If alimony is awarded in your…

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Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

Impacts to your taxes after divorce

If you're currently going through divorce proceedings, many of your legal questions are likely being answered by your attorney. If you've obtained the services of an experienced family law attorney, then they've probably explained the rights afforded to you by law…

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Permanent alimony, still a possibility for Marylanders

Imagine for a moment that you and your spouse are going through divorce proceedings. You didn't sign a premarital agreement so at this juncture, you and your spouse are hammering out financial details such as who will be responsible for…

Continue reading Permanent alimony, still a possibility for Marylanders

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

Good to know: Indefinite alimony is still a thing in Maryland

Fifty years ago, alimony requests were a major part of divorce proceedings. This was due in part to the fact that there weren't as many women in the workforce as there are today. Many women stayed home with the kids,…

Continue reading Good to know: Indefinite alimony is still a thing in Maryland

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

Does bankruptcy discharge an alimony obligation?

Though you may think that you have a good understanding of the law in general, it oftentimes isn't enough to help you through all legal issues. This is part because of the extreme complexity of our state and federal laws…

Continue reading Does bankruptcy discharge an alimony obligation?

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

When is it a good idea to ask for alimony?

Imagine you have just learned that your spouse has been cheating on your for a number of months. Considered as fault and grounds for divorce, you file the necessary paperwork to begin the dissolution of your marriage. Because you hired…

Continue reading When is it a good idea to ask for alimony?

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

Celebrity case shows why it’s okay for men to ask for alimony

Back in September of last year, we wrote a response to a question asked by some divorcing men in Maryland regarding whether a man would be required to pay alimony to his ex-wife even if his income was lower than…

Continue reading Celebrity case shows why it’s okay for men to ask for alimony

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

Despite a need, men may be less likely to ask for alimony

There are a lot of stereotypes surrounding the divorce process that some of today's readers may have heard or believed. One such stereotype is that alimony is only awarded to women during divorce proceedings. In most counties across the nation,…

Continue reading Despite a need, men may be less likely to ask for alimony

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

What is and isn’t considered alimony for tax purposes?

When many Maryland couples divorce, one party is forced to pay spousal support to the other. This is to even things out financially when the marriage ends, especially if one spouse earns a lot more than the other. However, figuring…

Continue reading What is and isn’t considered alimony for tax purposes?

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,

My wife committed adultery – Could she still get alimony?

Maryland is a fault-based state, meaning that there must be legal justification for a divorce. One valid reason is adultery. Although cheating can impact child custody and other parts of a divorce, alimony is one thing that is not affected. This means…

Continue reading My wife committed adultery – Could she still get alimony?

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,
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