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What happens to retirement plans in a high asset divorce?

Some Maryland residents spend their entire career - several decades or longer - saving for retirement. By the time they retire, they may have amassed a large sum of money - perhaps millions of dollars. But with the recent trend…

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Why a high asset divorce needs a detailed separation agreement

When Maryland couples divorce, they may look to the divorce decree to review negotiations on asset division, child support, child custody, and other common divorce issues. However, many lawyers now go a step further and create separation agreements as well.…

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Related Posts: Divorcing and splitting your retirement account can be hard, Navigating the process of a high-asset divorce, A personal approach for even the most complex high asset divorce, How does a high asset divorce impact my tax liability?, A high asset divorce is complicated; don’t do it alone,

A high asset divorce is complicated; don’t do it alone

Maryland couples who have been through a divorce can attest that the process can be very expensive, especially in high asset divorce. In order to save as much money as possible, some couples may try to settle everything without help…

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Related Posts: What happens to retirement plans in a high asset divorce?, Types of property involved in a high asset divorce,

Types of property involved in a high asset divorce

No matter how long a Maryland couple has been married, a divorce can still be emotionally draining. Divorces, however, are often easier when the couple has only been married a year or two. After this short amount of time, most…

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Related Posts: What happens to retirement plans in a high asset divorce?, A high asset divorce is complicated; don’t do it alone,

How a high asset divorce affects Social Security earnings

In the past, most couples divorced well before retirement age, so there was rarely an issue about splitting up Social Security benefits. However, times have changed and more and more couples in Maryland and other parts of the country are…

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Complex asset division could be part of a “grey divorce”

Many of our Maryland readers have probably seen previous posts here regarding the rise in so-called "grey divorce." For those who haven't, this social phenomenon describes the increase in the divorce rate among older couples, usually including those who are…

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Related Posts: Divorcing and splitting your retirement account can be hard, Navigating the process of a high-asset divorce, A personal approach for even the most complex high asset divorce, Why a high asset divorce needs a detailed separation agreement, How does a high asset divorce impact my tax liability?,

Asset division could be a major factor in Murdoch divorce

From time to time the divorce of a high-profile couple will consume the news media, for a variety of reasons. When Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorced, much of the news coverage was focused on what would happen with the…

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Related Posts: Divorcing and splitting your retirement account can be hard, Navigating the process of a high-asset divorce, A personal approach for even the most complex high asset divorce, Why a high asset divorce needs a detailed separation agreement, How does a high asset divorce impact my tax liability?,
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