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What our clients say


It was a pleasure meeting and speaking with you yesterday. I really appreciate the advice you gave me concerning my situation. I have confidence in the work that your firm does. I have read reviews and that strengthened my decision to work with you. Thank you again...


Just a quick note to say thanks to each of you for the work you put into yesterday! Seeing the preparation and expertise that each of you put in was astounding in comparison to the other attorney. Kudos to the whole team! Thanks a million again.


Thanks for your professionalism and be sure to let your team know how much I appreciate their professionalism as well for all their efforts and research in this matter. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your services...


Shelly: I appreciate your meeting with me this morning. I was extremely impressed by your knowledge and advice as well as the rapport we seemed to have. You have put my mind at ease to some aspects of a divorce. Now, I have to decide the appropriate timing.


Thank you for everything. It is really important at this time to feel like someone is helping to protect my family, and I believe you are doing all you can. Please know how much I appreciate that.


Jessica, thank you for acting so quickly on this issue. The letter is great as is; it precisely describes the situation, and I value your efforts on my behalf.


Shelly, you are amazing. You have done a beautiful job on this. How are you able to distill all of my ramblings and angst into such a straightforward document is amazing! This looks great. Again, thank you for coming up with such an excellent document. I think it is an outstanding agreement...thank you so much.


I feel so relieved and at peace now that this is over. Thanks so much for all you did to get things done and ease the burden and worry for me. You were very efficient and kept things focused and moving - I would highly recommend you and The McKeon Law Firm to anyone having to deal with the unfortunate and trying circumstances of divorce.


Thank you very much and I greatly and sincerely appreciate the wonderful job you did yesterday. Drafting and crafting a settlement document which contained approximately thirteen pages isn't easy, especially having to do it while sitting across from [opposing counsel]. Again thanks for all of your hard work, dedication, and commitment in sealing a great agreement.

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