A divorce involving children is often a complex legal matter
Nothing can make individuals going through a divorce more cantankerous than a child custody dispute. Whether the problem is agreeing to a parenting plan or fighting over visitation rights, some parents will fight for their children to the bitter end, sometimes without thinking of the effect such a battle could have on their children.
Take, for instance, one particular couple’s case that has received quite a bit of news coverage lately. The couple has been fighting in court about their divorce and subsequent child custody arrangements for over 10 years now. The case is most likely making news headlines so that people can point and laugh and say how ridiculous these two individuals are being, but the sad fact is that many divorces are indeed that complicated, although 10 years is admittedly an unusually long amount of time to be litigating a case.
Deciding child custody can be difficult. If a couple can’t agree on an arrangement it will be left to a judge to make a decision that is in line with the legal standard of “best interests of the child.” But, when there is too much vitriol between the parents, sometimes determining what is in the child’s best interest is easier said than done.
Fortunately, there are many people in the legal community who are starting to see the benefits of working out these complex family law issues outside of the courtroom, either through direct discussions or with the help of a mediator. When a divorcing couple starts to consider that working out physical and legal custody in a way that is most beneficial to their child could be the best approach, that is when an amicable resolution is within reach.
Source: USA Today, “No end in sight for 10-year-old divorce case,” Dave Collins, Sept. 8, 2013