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5 questions to ask if you’re thinking of keeping the house

You and your spouse bought your dream house years ago. Now you're getting divorced. You don't want to lose it. Should you try to keep the house? The answer is different for everyone, but here are five questions you should…

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4 indicators that you should consider a prenup

4 indicators that you should consider a prenup - On behalf of The McKeon Law Firm posted in Family Law on Friday, October 20, 2017. You've heard all of the reasons you shouldn't get a prenup. It's not romantic. Your future spouse may…

Continue reading 4 indicators that you should consider a prenup

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Children want to see both parents

Child custody debates often raise a lot of questions about legal rights, the best interests of the children, and the parents' desires. While people often say that the goal is to set up the best custody situation for the kids,…

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3 reasons you could lose some of that alimony payment

You and your ex go to court and you're awarded indefinite alimony payment. After all, you're no longer young enough to get back into the workforce, and you gave up your career years ago to help your spouse achieve his…

Continue reading 3 reasons you could lose some of that alimony payment

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7 things you should do during a trial separation

You are potentially moving toward divorce, but you and your spouse have agreed to try a trial separation first. You want some time apart before you go through the entire legal process. You want to see how it impacts the…

Continue reading 7 things you should do during a trial separation

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Issues that courts may leave parents to resolve

Dealing with a difficult co-parent may not be any easier now that you have a custody and parenting time decree. Your ex can still perpetuate dirty tricks by attempting to manipulate kids, being petty about exchanges and times, and essentially…

Continue reading Issues that courts may leave parents to resolve

Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Artwork is divisible during a high-asset divorce

If you're an artist and plan on getting a divorce, don't forget that your artwork might become a valuable asset. It doesn't matter if you plan to sell the work or even if you've sold it in the past. Artwork can…

Continue reading Artwork is divisible during a high-asset divorce

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