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Can I ask my ex for child support to help support our child?

In addition to being a custodial parent, more information may be needed by the state child support agency in order to award payment. The other parent will need to be located, so any information, such as address and employer, is…

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How a high asset divorce affects Social Security earnings

In the past, most couples divorced well before retirement age, so there was rarely an issue about splitting up Social Security benefits. However, times have changed and more and more couples in Maryland and other parts of the country are…

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Guidelines for property division in a Maryland divorce

Most people have heard the saying "All's fair in love and war." While those who have been through a divorce may have experienced both love and war, very few will say that they got their fair share. However, there are…

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Lesbian couple in child custody dispute after splitting up

Maryland is one of 19 states that has legalized gay marriage. This number continues to grow, but since most states don't recognize same-sex marriage, there are no clear-cut laws when it comes to granting child custody when such a couple…

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