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How Do I Know If My Soon-to-Be-Ex-Spouse Is Hiding Assets? 

Going through a divorce is challenging under any circumstances, but if you suspect your spouse is hiding assets or property that should be divided fairly, the divorce process becomes even more stressful and complicated. You don’t have to face those…

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Divorcing and splitting your retirement account can be hard

Getting divorced is often an emotional and complex time for people. The later in life you divorce, the more final it may all seem. You may try to take the high road by not asking for your fair share of…

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The divorce rate has declined over the past two decades

Anyone can rattle off the "50 percent of all marriages end in divorce" statistic. But this commonly cited "fact" ignores many of the intricacies captured within marriage and divorce. A study by the Pew Research Center has found that, while the overall…

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Related Posts: Dispute resolution tips from the ‘experts’, High Asset Divorce, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part II, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part I, Bitcoins and hidden assets: what you need to know before divorce,

Dispute resolution tips from the ‘experts’

It's true that every marriage is unique and deals with unique expressions of problems, but marriages are made up of humans who tend to make the same type of mistakes. Humans are only a few thousand years removed from nonverbal…

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Related Posts: The divorce rate has declined over the past two decades, High Asset Divorce, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part II, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part I, Bitcoins and hidden assets: what you need to know before divorce,

High Asset Divorce

Every divorce has the potential to be emotionally, physically, and financially life-changing. However, when you and your soon-to-be ex are dealing with complicated assets or large sums of money, it is the financial aspect that can take precedence in a…

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Related Posts: The divorce rate has declined over the past two decades, Dispute resolution tips from the ‘experts’, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part II, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part I, Bitcoins and hidden assets: what you need to know before divorce,

Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part II

If you're a regular follower of our blog then you may have read last week's post in which we discussed how to determine whether a business is considered separate or marital property. As we explained in the post, which can…

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Related Posts: The divorce rate has declined over the past two decades, Dispute resolution tips from the ‘experts’, High Asset Divorce, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part I, Bitcoins and hidden assets: what you need to know before divorce,

Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part I

Everyone says that getting a divorce is an emotionally charged process, filled with contentious moments and bitter disagreements. But when a large amount of assets are on the line, this statement becomes all the more true, making divorce proceedings even…

Continue reading Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part I

Related Posts: The divorce rate has declined over the past two decades, Dispute resolution tips from the ‘experts’, High Asset Divorce, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part II, Bitcoins and hidden assets: what you need to know before divorce,

Bitcoins and hidden assets: what you need to know before divorce

When most people think of a couple going through a high-asset divorce, the thought of one spouse hiding assets usually comes to mind. As we have stated before, in a matter of a few discussions with a family law judge, a…

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Related Posts: The divorce rate has declined over the past two decades, Dispute resolution tips from the ‘experts’, High Asset Divorce, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part II, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part I,

Maryland legislature takes hard look at archaic divorce laws

Going through a divorce is hard enough on people after you consider the emotional struggles couples face and the overwhelming burden of dividing assets and liabilities. But what truly makes divorce a challenge for Maryland residents is divorce laws most…

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Related Posts: The divorce rate has declined over the past two decades, Dispute resolution tips from the ‘experts’, High Asset Divorce, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part II, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part I,

New England court says it can’t reverse a divorce

If you're interested in learning about intriguing legal issues, then you've come to the right place. In today's post, we're going to be taking a look at a divorce case that involves a rather unique set of circumstances. Though the…

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Related Posts: The divorce rate has declined over the past two decades, Dispute resolution tips from the ‘experts’, High Asset Divorce, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part II, Is your small business up for grabs in your divorce? – Part I,
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