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Parenting plan schedule for teens

Having a teen when you go through your divorce is a bit easier in a way, but it can also add some complex elements to the split. The child might understand what is going on, so you might not have…

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Controlling stress for yourself and your children during divorce

When you are going through a divorce, it is easy to focus on the emotional side of things. If you have children, you will need to ensure that you are also taking the time to help them work through what…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Uncontested divorce may help dissolve your marriage amicably

Despite its reputation as a destructive experience for spouses and children, divorce does not have to be a bitter, ugly experience. In fact, many couples find that they simply want to end their marriage and move on as amicably as…

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Child support modifications must be filed quickly

Child support isn't a negotiable matter. People who are ordered to pay it must comply with the order or they can face legal woes. The thing that is difficult about child support is that you have to pay it no…

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Protect your interests during your divorce proceedings

Divorce is a serious event in your life. Even if it is welcomed, you will likely still have to deal with some negative emotions stemming from it. These can be difficult to handle, but you will still need to work…

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5 tips to adjust to life as a single parent

Making the adjustment from a married parent to a single parent is difficult. You are going through a major life transition that impacts more than just one area of your life. It is imperative that you take the time to…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Plan to help your children adjust to your divorce

Breaking the news that you are divorcing to the children is probably going to be difficult. It is hard for children to understand that life as they've always known it is changing in such a dramatic way. Trying to find…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Creative custody solutions are sometimes best for the children

Determining the best parenting plan for your children is difficult. Not only do you have to decide what you think is best, but you also have to listen to what your ex thinks is appropriate. This can be challenging because…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,
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