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Celebrity case shows why it’s okay for men to ask for alimony

Back in September of last year, we wrote a response to a question asked by some divorcing men in Maryland regarding whether a man would be required to pay alimony to his ex-wife even if his income was lower than hers. As we explained in the post, Maryland family law judges take each spouse’s income into consideration when determining alimony orders, meaning an ex-wife could be ordered to pay her ex-husband instead of the other way around.

But despite the fact that women are becoming the so-called bread winners in many families, some men are still hesitant to ask for alimony during the divorce process. This was a point we illustrated in a post we wrote earlier this month that some of our Montgomery County readers may have read already. In continuing with this theme, we thought we’d touch on the subject of alimony once more by looking at a recent celebrity case we think showcases elements from both posts.

If you’re a follower of Hollywood news then you may have heard about the upcoming divorce between actress Megan Fox and her husband, also an actor, Brian Austin Green. According to an article by the Hollywood Take, Green was struck by a drunk-driver eight months ago and now suffers from vertigo. He says he is unable to work, which begs the question: could Fox be asked to pay alimony to her soon-to-be ex-husband?

Though Fox is reported to have a higher income than Green, it’s unknown at this time if Green intends on seeking spousal support payments.

Even though this family law case is happening thousands of miles away in a different jurisdiction, it does highlight a situation in which it may be necessary for a man to ask for alimony. Whether Green will choose this option or walk away because of societal prejudices remains to be seen.

Related Posts: Know the impacts of choosing a lump-sum alimony payment, Seeking enforcement action for court-ordered support in Maryland, Spousal support isn’t automatic in divorce, Consider different arrangements for alimony payments, Lump sum payments: Monthly alimony payments might be avoidable,
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