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How to solve a child custody dispute in Maryland

Child custody issues crop up all the time in Maryland and not many parents know how to solve them. These issues can sometimes be solved easily, but there are times when others need to get involved. The many of child custody issues in Maryland are solved before they reach the court level due to the options explained below.

Informal negotiations are the most common method available for parents looking to solve child custody disputes outside of Court. These negotiations can lead to a fair settlement for all involved, especially when parents truly have the best interests of the child(ren) at heart. No matter how the parties involved reached an agreement, it must be reflected in writing.

An alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is another option for solving child custody disputes in Maryland. This includes mediation and collaborative law. These processes can help solve child custody disputes when the parents are disputing key issues surrounding custody and visitation and they have some type of willingness to work together in an effort to solve the dispute.

Mediation is very popular because it involves a third party, who is unbiased and not familiar with the situation of either parent. The mediator will guide both parties forward in discussion, stop all arguments, keep both sides calm, listen, ask questions and help the parents reach an agreement. The mediator will never issue a ruling for either parent. He or she is only present to move the process along as smoothly as possible.

One of the final options for solving child custody disputes in Maryland is to take the case to Court. Not many parents want the dispute to reach this level because of the stress it will place on the family, but in some circumstances, this is the only option available to reach a resolution.

An experienced family law attorney in Gaithersburg, Maryland, will be able to answer all of your questions regarding child custody disputes and how to solve them.

Source: Maryland Courts, “Family Law Information,” accessed Feb. 24, 2017

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