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Domestic violence: 5 types to watch for in divorce

Domestic violence is a danger to the victim in the relationship. The person who is a victim suffers from mental or physical injuries as the person who is the abuser tries to take control of the other person. Those who struggle with this in their relationships may have a hard time seeking a divorce for fear that the abuse will worsen. Fortunately, there are protective orders to help.

There are many kinds of domestic violence to be aware of. Not all are physical or obvious. Those who struggle with domestic abuse in a marriage need to identify these issues and speak out to get assistance.

1. Physical abuse domestic violence

Physical abuse is the most commonly discussed kind of domestic violence. It is when you use physical force against others to injure them or to create a risk of injury. Physical abuse is anything from hitting and biting a spouse to burning or assaulting him or her.

2. Sexual abuse

You may not believe sexual abuse is possible between two people in an adult, consensual relationship, but it is still a possibility. If your spouse or you say you do not want to participate in a sexual act, then the other has to respect that. Not doing so is abusive.

Sexual harassment and exploitation are also kinds of sexual abuse recognized in domestic violence cases.

3. Verbal abuse

Verbal abuse is another common form of domestic violence. It can include yelling and name-calling, criticizing, saying hurtful things or blaming the victim for how he or she feels. Embarrassing the victim or using violence against objects to intimidate the individual can also both be types of verbal abuse.

4. Economic abuse

Economic abuse can be as simple as taking control of the household’s finances and limiting a spouse’s access. It can also present as not allowing the victim to work or be self-sufficient.

5. Stalking and domestic violence

Stalking is possible in a marriage or any other kind of relationship. For example, if a wife is home and her husband tracks what she’s doing, this can be the beginning of stalking. If he goes through her phone or computer use, damages her property or follows her when she goes to visit others, this is all abusive behavior.

If you’re a victim of domestic abuse, there is help for you. Your attorney can talk to you about getting a protective order to keep you and your children safe.

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