Help your only child through your divorce
An only child spends a lot of time with their parents. If those parents divorce, the child might face some challenges that aren’t present with those who have siblings. One of the most important things to remember when an only child is experiencing this is that the bond they form with their parents is critical. They will likely need open access to both parents so they can keep up with the need to feel close.
You can set the stage for the best divorce possible by telling your child about the split together. This shows them that they can still count on both adults to support them and work as a team while they are growing up. It also helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page about how things are going to work.
Your child might need to seek help from other adults around them. You should let trusted adults know what’s going on so they are ready to help your child if they start to struggle. At a minimum, tell the child’s teachers, coaches, and others who have frequent contact with your children. You don’t have to share all of the information, but make sure they know the basics so they can help your child through any issues that come up.
Working out the parenting plan can also help your child considerably because it can provide stability in a fluid situation. You and your ex will work out the terms of the plan according to what the children need. Having this done quickly is usually beneficial to everyone involved since it enables you to start settling into a routine with your child.