You might not expect certain thoughts during a divorce

Going through a divorce brings up a lot of emotions and thoughts. Some people are surprised by the scope of these, especially when they wanted a divorce in the first place. Determining how to cope with the things that you are going to experience can be a challenge, but you will feel better once you have a plan in place and can move forward with your life.
One thought that might come to mind is that you are going to lose a partner. Even when you don’t get along with your ex, you still have someone there who you could talk to about things that happened. The loss of this might not seem like a big deal until you have big news to share and realize that you don’t have anyone to share it with.
Holidays are another challenge for most people because they don’t realize the depth of loneliness they will feel at first. For some, this is just the loss of traditions they’ve become fond of. If you are in this position, you can start new traditions or re-create the ones that you enjoyed while you were married.
You might lose part of your support system. Some friends and family members may choose your ex’s side. When this happens, it is possible that you will mourn the loss. This is perfectly normal. Moving forward can be hard, especially if the person is close to you.
While the divorce is in progress, you have to be sure you are finding out your options and working to make decisions that you feel are best for your needs. Throughout the process, take time to evaluate the choices you have to make based on how they affect you now and in the future.