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Setback for Maryland same-sex marriage – divorce can be expensive

That didn't take long. As the excitement about the legalization of same-sex marriage in Maryland begins to die down, new issues are popping to the forefront. Hundreds of couples may have rushed to the courthouse as soon as they had…

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Same-sex marriage is legal in Maryland – what now?

There is a battle raging in America today. No, there isn't a foreign invader or an insurgent rebel force. The battle is an ideological and cultural fight. On one side there are proponents of same-sex marriage, arguing for equal treatment…

Continue reading Same-sex marriage is legal in Maryland – what now?

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Same-sex marriage prompts Marylanders to prep for more divorce

The results of the recent Election Day in Maryland have brought about the prospect of a reality that thousands of residents have been hoping for - legal same-sex marriage. The vote in Maryland, along with a similar vote in Maine,…

Continue reading Same-sex marriage prompts Marylanders to prep for more divorce

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