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Don’t make common mistakes that some newly single parents make

Child custody matters are one of the most challenging things that adults who divorce will have to work through. It is easy to make decisions about yourself but when you have to think about what the other parent will think…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Child custody with a combative ex is challenging

Being in a parenting relationship with an ex who is combative is a difficult experience. You know that you have to look forward to drama with each encounter, but you can't let this impact your ability to raise your children.…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Don’t allow your kids to play you against your ex

Children who are going through a divorce will often try to find ways to push the limits. This might include trying to play one parent against the other, so both adults must take steps to ensure this doesn't happen. Knowing…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Help your only child through your divorce

An only child spends a lot of time with their parents. If those parents divorce, the child might face some challenges that aren't present with those who have siblings. One of the most important things to remember when an only child is…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Less common matters to include in your parenting plan

Child custody agreements are based on the children's needs. Because of this, parents tend to focus the agreement on the larger issues that come up. You have to take the time to think about some smaller points so that you…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Your communication with your ex matters in child custody

You and your ex need to communicate directly with each other about child custody matters. This can be through the use of verbal, written or electronic communication. There might be times when you need to have assistance to get the…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

What are supervised visits in child custody cases?

Parents going through a divorce or a child custody case will have to figure out visitation for the children. This can be either supervised or unsupervised, depending on the circumstances. Child custody paperwork will outline the schedule for the visits…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Navigating life as a new co-parent

Navigating through a new co-parenting relationship can be a difficult task. You have to figure out what is going to work for your situation and what you need to bypass. As you go through this, you will work closely with…

Continue reading Navigating life as a new co-parent

Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Variety of ways to support your kids during divorce

Keeping the focus on the kids during a child custody matter isn't always easy. You and your ex are going to have to make a joint effort to work things out so the kids can thrive. They need to know…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Take control of your emotions when dealing with your ex

One of the most important things that you have to do when you aren't with your child's other parent is keep the communication respectful. This is difficult when you have an ex who loves to push your buttons and irritate…

Continue reading Take control of your emotions when dealing with your ex

Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,
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