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Children should be encouraged to interact with extended family

Just because you and your ex divorced doesn't mean that your children should have to miss out on important family gatherings on either side. Instead, you and your ex should both encourage the kids to have meaningful relationships with their…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Parenting plan schedule for teens

Having a teen when you go through your divorce is a bit easier in a way, but it can also add some complex elements to the split. The child might understand what is going on, so you might not have…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Controlling stress for yourself and your children during divorce

When you are going through a divorce, it is easy to focus on the emotional side of things. If you have children, you will need to ensure that you are also taking the time to help them work through what…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

5 tips to adjust to life as a single parent

Making the adjustment from a married parent to a single parent is difficult. You are going through a major life transition that impacts more than just one area of your life. It is imperative that you take the time to…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Plan to help your children adjust to your divorce

Breaking the news that you are divorcing to the children is probably going to be difficult. It is hard for children to understand that life as they've always known it is changing in such a dramatic way. Trying to find…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Creative custody solutions are sometimes best for the children

Determining the best parenting plan for your children is difficult. Not only do you have to decide what you think it is best, but you also have to listen to what your ex thinks is appropriate. This can be challenging…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Parenting time schedules can lead to disagreements

Parenting time disputes can be very serious matters because they involve the amount of time that each parent can spend with the children. These agreements are often decided as part of the child custody arrangement, but there are times when…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Parenting plans can help provide consistency for children

Your children look to their parents as a source of stability. When you are going through a divorce, this stability is shaken. You have to try to find ways that you can help them adjust to the new way of…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Seasonal plans need to be discussed early

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Christmas and Hanukkah is just after that. For parents who have a child custody agreement for their children, this can be a very stressful season. Not only do they have the normal hustle…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,

Positive attitudes can be infectious in child custody cases

Parenting your children after a divorce isn't easy at all. Some parents fall into a negative mode of thinking that makes it much more difficult than it has to be. Changing your frame of mind into one that is positive…

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Related Posts: Know the benefits of shared parenting, Important child custody points in Maryland, Remember your child’s rights during child custody, Establish a parenting relationship during divorce, Respect in co-parenting is beneficial for everyone involved,
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